What is Home Management?
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what is home management  

A home management system from ESC offers you fingertip control throughout your home — simply. Here are just a few examples of how a home management system can simplify your life:

Prepare your home for entertaining, or accommodating weekend guests — with a single button press.
You're the Director in your home theater...select preview music, dim the lights, add an intermission or jump straight to your favorite scene — with a single button press.
The security alarm blares at 2 am. With one glance at a graphical display you instantly know what and where the problem is, helping you to quickly decide what to do.
Come home from a romantic dinner to soft music playing next to the Jacuzzi and the fireplace lit — just by calling ahead.

ESC Home Management Home management is not home automation. Home management is living. Living in your home. Living the way you want with minimal intrusion from the technology that makes your home comfortable. A home management system from ESC makes the technology behind the comfort invisible.
Click on a touchscreen button above
for information on the many other
home management possibilities.

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This page was last updated on 2 January 2008.

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For Your Home For Your Listening Pleasure For Your Entertainment For Your Comfort For Your Lighting For Your Security