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Before ESC can design a home management system (HMS), the home's subsystems (environmental, security, lighting, etc.) must be specified. This can be a daunting task. However, ESC can help make this task much easier. We have a variety of methods for assisting clients with the design of their homes' systems.
If you don't know where to start in the process of selecting subsystems, one option is to use our reference designs, which include various complements of subsystems, devices, features, and functionality. Whereas these reference systems can be delivered as specified, they typically are not. The purpose of the reference designs is to provide a starting point — a sort of quick-start guide. Clients typically use these reference designs as examples to become familiar with some of the possibilities of an HMS, or they will choose one of the reference designs as a base from which the design process can begin. Think of them as floor plans that would be perfect if only...
There are seven Reference Systems to start from. They can all be found on our Feature Comparison page, which will assist you in selecting the system that is right for you.

Reference Designs Feature Comparison
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This page was last updated on 15 August 2002.

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